
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Summer swim lessons with a splash!

Summers in Arizona have taught us to love having a pool at our house.... ...especially when you can keep your two year old just like this.

But sometime last year her and Mr. Hippo must have had a falling out and she stopped wanting to float around with him in the pool.

So for this summer we knew swim lessons were in order FAST!
Obstacle courses, one on one attention from Mommy?

YES PLEASE she said!

Not surprisingly, she felt right at home and in no time at all she was actually swimming all by herself!


Just when I thought we could rest assure that our little fishy learned how to swim, just went I thought she could finally be safer in the water...

I was reminded that she is her father's daughter.

It was only a matter of time before she started trying stuff like this...

(to view, click on the play button even if no image is shown)

Will a mother ever sleep without worrying??!

As for Daddy, well, he was excited to point out that at least she made it to the side.

Yes, at least she did.

1 comment:

  1. Slightly scary and the really funny! wow what a fish....remind me to send you some swim suits. it's sacrilegious that she is not in a Le Top swim suit!!!!
